Angela Merkel26 Videos


Globalist attacks on BRexit same as attacks on Irish after voting NO in the Lisbon Treaty Referendum

Feelings are sacred now, countries are not... Ireland was the only EU country to put the Lisbon Treaty to a popular vote and they rejected it. Brussels then launched a secret plan to force Ireland to vote yes in a second referendum. An explosive secret document was revealed that exposed the deliberate push to make Ireland vote again and make them vote yes - this happened in October 2009. Likewise a document has been revealed showing similar manipulation and secrets arrangements on BRexit between May and Merkel. The only way out is NOT to vote for FF/FG/SF/PBP/Labour/SD etc. [embed][embed] BRexit is deliberately being turned into a complete disaster to scare any other EU countries from even thinking about it. And it is working! The British are standing and marching against what has been done, but the Irish seem to be docile and accepting of anything that gets done to them... Even Africans would not allow their c

“Make Africa Part of Europe” – World Supremacist George Soros Invokes The Oldest Communist Trick: Problem, Reaction, Solution!

The EU really is in trouble. YES! After Trump, BRexit and possibly Italy cutting of the cashflow to stop the world supremacist's enforcing their socialist engineering one world government fantasies on the world, it appears they are doubling down and going for broke! George Soros has just confirmed all conspiracy theorists to be spot on! The Communist Maxim is: Create a problem, callously wait for the reaction, and then offer the solution they would not have accepted had you not created the problem...

UN Migration Pact To Be Compulsory! The Establishment Lies To The People To Hold On To Power! Get Out & Fight Back!

Is Physical Intervention The Only Way To Save European Nations? So, the so called "far right conspiracy", that the UN Migration Pact was not voluntary, turns out to be true! A document has been leaked showing that the Establishment is planning to make the UN Migration Pact compulsory and even countries that did not sign, will be forced to comply. Internal documents reveal that Brussels plans to incorporate the controversial UN migration pact into the EU’s legal framework “through the back door”, Austria and Hungary have warned.

Catalan Independence Hot Potato Lands Right on EU Supremacist Merkel’s Lap in Germany!

In an interview from prison in Germany, exiled Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont has said: "I’m not a criminal".  The Catalan president in exile, Carles Puigdemont said he is “not a criminal” in the first interview since his arrest. The exiled leader reaffirmed the region’s campaign for independence, saying it’s based on democracy and non-violence.

Ireland’s Government Thinks Irish DNA is SUBHUMAN and Plans to Spend Billions Replacing The Irish!

In a classic example of cold meticulously planned genocide, this deal with the devil is a horror story that is being played out time and again in the rural heartland of all European Nations. The Irish example, with its upcoming referendum on Abortion, clearly illustrates and exemplifies the rape and destruction of Europeans, in exchange for Coin, disguised as the "moral high road". This well practiced act of crime against humanity, that is being inflicted upon the very defenseless, well meaning citizens of European nations is nothing other than Selling out Kith, Kin and Country for Coin or False Virtue.

Oh Susanna, Merkel won’t cry for you… but Tommy would die for you…

Like a Jellyfish out of water, Europe is paralysed and at the mercy of World Supremacists and their invading goloms, raw material ready to be turned into obedient consumers and indebted slaves on the plantation of globalism.. Susanna and Tommy are just another of the many who are to be replaced...
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