AfD27 Videos


Ireland Last? Even Spain Wakes Up With A Populist Party: VOX Pledges to Put Spanish First and Make Spain Great Again!

Must Ireland be destroyed first before the irish wake up? It seems that the Irish and Europeans in general are so brainwashed and ensconced in their materialistic comfort zones, that the only way a patriotic populist party arises, is after the mass importation of illegal aliens by their EU proxy government. After Spain took in more than any other European nation this year, at least 13,000 Spaniards have come to their senses and joined a rally of the fledgling VOX party in Madrid last month and polls indicate that up to half a million would vote for them today!
VOX a patriotic political party that vows to “defend Spain” from immigration, independence movements and political correctness. Suddenly being called "far right" by the left wing mainstream media seems not so bad anymore... in fact it appears to be the only hope for the future of our nation states.

The Speech You will NEVER see on Irish TV or any TV! Nigel Farage fires up Irishmen tired of EU Totalitarianism!

Nigel Farage recently DESTROYED the EU in an AMAZING speech that got a standing ovation. In the recent speech in Ireland, Nigel Farage exposed the con and package of lies and deceit that mainstream media, the troika government and EU have perpetrated upon the Irish people. After illustrating the rise of freedom loving anti EU parties across Europe, he asked "What on earth is going in Ireland?" as it appeared to be an exception to this Europe wide movement. "The Word "Europe" does NOT belong to the EU, it belongs to the European peoples" he said! He went on to ask how was it possible that Germany approved Ireland's national budget BEFORE it went to the Dail (Irish Parliament)?

German Nurse’s Warning to The West: Migrants are aggressive, spoilt, unemployable and bring diseases. Where are Refugees Welcome Activists Now?

A nurse in Germany has sent out a warning to the West after her experiences at the hands of migrants and refugees who flooded Germany when Merkel invited them all in. "At the hospital, we had a meeting about how the situation here and at the other Munich hospitals are unsustainable."
Clinics cannot handle the number of migrant medical emergencies, so they are starting to send everything to the main hospitals. Many Muslims are refusing treatment by female staff, and we women nurses are now refusing to go among those migrants! Relations between the staff and migrants are going from bad to worse. Since last weekend, migrants going to the hospitals must be accompanied by police with K-9 units. Many migrants come to Germany because they have AIDS, syphilis, open TB and many exotic diseases that we in Europe do not normally treat on such a scale. If they receive a prescription to t

AfD politician: Germany needs a higher birthrate instead of replacing our own people by migrants

Gottfried Curio, a member of Germany’s AfD anti-immigration party, said his country is not solving its demographic problem by admitting more migrants into the country. According to him the “flood with the lowest qualified and their families” will not lead to stabilisation of Germany’s job market, but instead leads to more unemployment. He adds: “What […]

Traitors Who Sell Kith, Kin and Country for Coin: Only 1% of 1.65 Million Asylum Claims in Germany Were Actually Reviewed by Migration Offices

The German federal migration service plans to review thousands of successful asylum applications after it was revealed that a treasonous regional migration office granted asylum to thousands of people without sufficient grounds. It has also been revealed that less than 1 percent of all asylum applications approved by local and regional migration offices have actually been properly reviewed by the federal migration office. This follows a corruption and bribery scandal that involved traitors including the former regional office head as well as five other local employees, including three lawyers and an interpreter.
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