
How To Stop Deviant Irish Regime Sexualising Our Innocent Children At Their Schools – #Frankensteinism

Irish Parents are speaking out against new proposals by the globalist marxist government, to teach primary school children about, and promote abortion, pornography, masturbation, transgenderism, etc. According to our Constitution this is solely the domain of the parents! WHAT YOU CAN DO: PLEASE TAKE 5 MINUTES TO DO AT LEAST ONE! 1. Here's your chance to be a part of the consultation with the NCCA (be careful with the strategically worded traps in questions and stick to the answer that best suits you). And a consultation with the National Parents’ Council: 2. Here's an ongoing petition started by a friend, Ciara Mannion: http://chng.i

Official Dail Records Are A “Makey-uppy” Thing – Oireachtas Transcripts Changed What Was Actually Said!

The official Dail transcript records Ms Chambers as having said: "Abortion regret is made up and it does not exist" though video from Thursday night clearly shows that she said: "Abortion regret is a makey-uppy thing. It doesn't exist." Three issues of concern are, firstly, where the ‘Official’ record, the Transcript is INCORRECT! It is a modified, edited version of what was Actually said. It proves a transcriber (or is there a subsequent upstream editor of the data?) interpreting and perverting reality... If this is possible as has happened in this case, with such ease and unconcern, what else has been retrospectively modified, erased, edited in all other ‘Official’ records of Oireachtas since the State was founded? Why do we wonder about the abundance of ‘Fake News’ when we can’t even retain the integrity of our own ‘Official’ records? The second point is the total dismissal of the Reality of abortion regret. Somehow LGBT people or illegal
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