6 Great Questions To Ask In Irish

6 Great Questions To Ask In Irish

In this video I’m going to show you how to ask 6 common questions in Irish which will be great for starting and maintaining an irish language conversation. These questions will give you the confidence and ability to improve your Irish.
A Complete & Detailed Breakdown Of Irish

A Complete & Detailed Breakdown Of Irish

In this video I will show you two pieces of Irish language text and I will break them down in a detailed way word by word and line by line so you will have a clear knowledge of what is being said. This will help you to have a greater understanding of Irish and you […]
Different Parts of the Body in Irish

Different Parts of the Body in Irish

In this video I will explain the Irish for different parts of the human body and give you some simple but useful phrases that you could use. If you would like to learn more Irish words and phrases then please subscribe to my channel.
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