Science & Technology8 Videos

Erectile Dysfunction, Miracle Cure ?

Erectile Dysfunction, Miracle Cure ?

For those men unfortunate enough to suffer with Erectile Dysfunction , fear not. A new miracle cure may be just over the next horizon. No more pills required ! All you’ll need is …. Well , let me explain.
Brain cell Pong

Brain cell Pong

It seems every day now we get some story coming out from the scientific community which was until recently the preserve of B Sci-Fi movies from the 1950’s. Today is no exception , have the boffins managed to ‘ make ‘ a brain ? And get it to play the video game Pong ? Let’s […]
This Video game will actually Kill you !

This Video game will actually Kill you !

Virtual reality may indeed be at the forefront of video game technology these days. And there’s no doubting that the immersion factor is getting ever more realistic. It’s almost like you’re really in the game now. But is a headset which actually kills you in real life when you die in the game a step […]
Dubai’s Fake Rain !

Dubai’s Fake Rain !

So mention Dubai to pretty much anyone , and odds are the last thing they’ll associate it with is…. RAIN ! Well , as modern technology marches ever forward , is all that about to change ? Let’s take a look at what they’ve been up to recently .
Will Society Collapse By 2040 ?

Will Society Collapse By 2040 ?

A recent bunch of articles have all pointed to a 1972 MIT study which tried to predict how society would develop over the future decades. Amongst it’s possible scenarios is a dystopian future where society effectively collapses by about the year 2040. Could this be plausible ? Is it inevitable ? Is it just more […]
Getting Castrated May help you live longer ?

Getting Castrated May help you live longer ?

I think most of us like the idea of getting to live a bit longer. But just how far are you willing to go in the pursuit of a few more years ? What ‘ sacrifices ‘ would you be willing to make ? Here’s one line of research that raises some interesting conundrums… Enjoy […]
Who wants to live FOREVER !

Who wants to live FOREVER !

Living longer is something most people would happily sign up for. And although in today’s world our life expectancy is greater than at any time in human history , science is still seeking to push the boundaries even further. Could there come a time when we might actually live …. forever ?
Attack of the Killer Drones !

Attack of the Killer Drones !

Autonomous Killer Drones ? Wasn’t that just something from the Terminator movies ? Well not anymore if a recently released report from the UN is to be believed. Skynet has arrived it seems , and already we have a documented case of an autonomous flying drone hunting down and assassinating a man in Libya. All […]
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